WWE Tough Enough, Episode 6

The name of a TV show is important. If it’s confusing, viewers may not give it a chance. The best show titles explain the show in the name-“The Walking Dead”…

WWE Tough Enough, Episode 4

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Similarly, if Gabi is voted out of Tough Enough, does…

Richer & The Mailman Episode 18: Let’s Get Real!

On the long awaited (pause for laughter and confusion) return of Richer & The Mailman, Josh and Andy discuss reality. Not like physics, more the philosophical nature of it. They…

Parv’s Guide to David Bowie’s Albums

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that I am quite an obsessive guy. My journey with David Bowie started when I was a kid during the 80s. I absolutely…