Exile on Badstreet #36: Reign In Blood – The Year That Was 2002 in IWA-MS

Kris Zellner is joined by Nick Maniwa (IWA Mid-South) to discuss year that was 2002 in the history of IWA Mid-South Hardcore Wrestling. We go through show after show talking…

The Last Territory: IWA Valentine 2001

An IWA Valentine 2-14-01 Charlestown, Indiana Welcome to the first of many holidays IWA-MS runs. Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas were usual nights on the IWA calendar. They even mixed…

The Last Territory: 1st Anniversary House of Hardcore

February 3, 2001 Charlestown, Indiana Chris Hero vs. Hy-Zaya I have no idea how these two got involved with each other since the last show but this should be an…

The Last Territory: 2001- An IWA Odyssey

2001: An IWA Odyssey January 6, 2001 Charlestown, Indiana Deciding which show to start this journey was a challenge. The beginning of IWA-MS in 1996 rarely feels like what it…

The Last Territory: An Introduction

As chronicled on many podcast and articles on this site, the early 2000’s were an age of discovery for my wrestling fandom. Prompting this revitalization in me becoming a lifetime…