PTBN Reaction Show: TNA Bound For Glory 2015

Hell freezes over as Will is joined by Dylan Hales (Wrestling Culture) to run down what could be the last TNA PPV of all time. Should Kurt Angle still be…

Nate’s Impact Recap 3/20/14

This Week’s (C.P.T.-Riffic) Review: “Storm Front” ~Or~ “March Badness” Greetings, “True-Believers.” I hope everyone had a great weekend!  First off, let me apologize for the lateness of the recap. Between…

Nate’s Impact Recap 2/20/14

“Two Tickets To The Gun Show” ~Or~ “It Pays To Be Roode” Greetings, “True-Believers”! I hope everyone’s had a great week. I’m writing this week’s recap while watching one of…