The Honor Roll: ROH’s 50 Greatest Wrestlers Ever – Part 3 (50-26)

To celebrate Ring of Honor’s 15th anniversary, Place to Be Nation and Voices of Wrestling teamed up to present The Honor Roll: ROH’s 50 Greatest Wrestlers Ever and an offshoot poll…

This Week in Wrestling 12-23-16: Indy & International

Pete and Timothy discuss ROH, CWF Worldwide, and NXT tv shows this week. Then we finish up with our Wrestling Observer Awards. 1. ROH -The guys speculate on Kyle O’Reilly’s…

This Week in Wrestling 11/25/16: Indy & International

Pete and Timothy are back talking some Indy and International wrestling. Topics Include 1. Wrestle Circus The Main Attraction -Pete shares his live thoughts -Pete and Timothy review 2 of…

ROH Conquest Tour: Thoughts from the 3/12 Philadelphia Show

It has been a natural progression for me to like some of the under the radar facets of pro wrestling. Don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of Steve…

Ring of Honor Survival of the Fittest 2015 – Milwaukee Live Report

Steve Wille attended the Ring of Honor show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 13th, 2015. Here are his spoiler-free thoughts on the event and recent ROH news: In my eyes,…

This Week in Wrestling for August 22, 2015

Frustrated Pete, math nerd Steven and tap dancing Johnny are ready to kick it to This Week in Wrestling. The first fall (0:02:36) starts off with a discussion of our…

A Great Alternative: ROH TV 7-25-15

More wrestling fans need to watch and get behind ROH. It’s the kind of wrestling that makes me excited to be a fan again. It’s not perfect, but it’s consistently…

A Great Alternative: ROH TV 7-18-15

More wrestling fans need to watch and get behind ROH. It’s the kind of wrestling that makes me excited to be a fan again. It’s not perfect, but it’s consistently…

A Great Alternative: ROH TV 7-4-15

More wrestling fans need to watch and get behind ROH. It’s the kind of wrestling that makes me excited to be a fan again. It’s not perfect, but it’s consistently…

A Great Alternative: ROH TV 6-6-15

Ring of Honor has been around for  thirteen years and I am horribly ashamed I’ve only gotten into it recently. I’m going to keep watching their show and recapping it…