Pro Wrestling Love #8: GWCW Reveal Part 3

Marty “Superstar” Sleeze has gotten his beauty sleep and Justin “JKWebb” is ready to rock ‘n’ roll & strut ‘n’ stroll as they break down the first half of their Top 50 Greatest Matches to place in WCW and Jim Crockett Promotions in conjunction with the Place To Be Nation Countdown. Marty critically analyzes Ric Flair giving a detailed assessment on why he thinks Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler of all time through his matches with Ricky Steamboat, Ron Garvin & Vader. Justin tells a great story of how he once used Pro Wrestling to get an A in college. Marty gives you his weekly reminder that Jerry Saggs is a fucking animal. Marty & Justin bond of their Dads’ mutual admiration for Goldberg. There is lots & lots of Dusty Rhodes and Tully Blanchard love. We find out that Justin lives awfully close to Bucksnort, Tennessee…does that mean a Bunkhouse Buck appearance in the future? On top of that, Episode #8 ends on quite a cliffhanger. Want to find out what? Click on the link, download the podcast, listen & enjoy! Let us know what you think.