Pro Wrestling Love #25: Best of WWF 1988-97, Part 5

It is Grand Finale Time! The Top 5 World Wrestling Federation Matches of 1988-1997! The definitive list according to Marty “Superstar” Sleeze & PeteF3 as get this, they agree on the exact order of 1, 2 & 3! So it undisputed that these are in fact the three greatest matches to take place in the WWF between 1988-1997. Want to know what those three are well you have to click the link, download & enjoy. Marty talks about what always triggers the waterworks when he watches wrestling and he stumps hard for making love a more integral impetus in pro wrestling angles. PeteF3 brings contextual knowledge that explains how these classics came to be. Pete makes sure the Bret vs Austin from Survivor Series ’96 is not forgotten. There is plenty of Mind Games talk as Marty desperately wishes the finish was anything but that incredibly lame finish. Marty & Pete agree that Ladder Match Part Deux outdoes the original Ladder Match. All this and much, much more. It is Pro Wrestling Love on the Place To Be Nation, keep on spreading it! What’s too high, what’s too low, and what did we miss completely? Let us know!