Pro Wrestling Love #18: 2000’s Japan Part 3

Pro Wrestling Love is back for more on the Place To Be Nation featuring Marty Sleeze (Superstar Sleeze on PWO & Twitter) and Mike (DaWho5 on PWO) breaking down the Top 25 Best Japanese Matches to take place between 2000-2009. This is the midway point of the list looking at #20-#16. The boys use Kensuke Sasaki vs Toshiaki Kawada, New Japan vs All Japan dream match as a case study in pro wrestling pride, Kawada as a chameleon, the difference between “how” vs “why” in wrestling and the very famous Kobashi vs Sasaki Dome match that didn’t make either of our lists, but was worthy of discussion. Wikipedia says Hiro Saito invented the Senton, but this seems off to Mike & Marty. So Pro Wrestling Lovers who invented the Senton? Let us know! FUJITA JR HAYATO Makes his Pro Wrestling Love debut in all his reigning glory! Marty tells his story or how he met Stan Hansen. Pro Wrestling Love ends on a high note of the raucous mayhem of Nagata vs Murakami! If you have not seen this match, drop what you are doing and watch it now! Click think, download and enjoy…let us know what you think! We love to hear!