Pro Wrestling Love #14: Shoot Style Part 4

Marty “Superstar” Sleeze & Markout Mountain Matt aka Cap have cracked the Top 10 of their Top 25 Japanese Shoot-Style Matches of All Time on Pro Wrestling Love. Marty and Matt have gotten to know each through the Greatest Match Ever Project hosted at Annual voting takes place every Summerslam, all are welcomed. Marty kicks things off with a pair of BattlArts tag team matches from the 21stCentury revival of the promotion. Matt brings the PWFG love as Marty just loves Ken Shamrock’s epic mullet. We get the first installment of the badass Fujiwara vs Super Tiger rivalry. They discuss an absolute barnburner, corker of a match between Masakatsu Funaki and Tatsuo Nakano. Matt ends it on an unexpected note with a Shoot-Style-Death Match hybrid from BattlArts. Click, download, enjoy and let us know what you think.