Popcorn Chicken Salad – Labyrinth (#7)

On episode 7 of Popcorn Chicken Salad join Ben Locke and Matt Souza as they watch the 1986 cult classic Labyrinth.

Topics discussed include Ben and Matt fawning over David Bowie, Dulux paint, is this really a kids movie?, more Bowie impressions and puns than you can shake a stick at, ranking movie owls, comparing Shawn Kidd to Brock Lesnar, a film not made for high def, not being able to hear Bowie sing, Matt having a films not streaming rant, the worlds longest ladder, realising Sarah is a bitch, Ben having the worst internet connection in the world, seeing more of David Bowie than you should, Bowie at a party, maybe the worse use of a green screen in history, the bog of eternal stench, conveniently placed props, Jeff Hardys inspiration, resting bitch face, tripping balls, mancrushing on Bowie some more, Hoggle could do so much better, goblin standard time, the Wizard of Oz but if Dorothy really sucked, the squid game kids, more long scenes to please Matt, going back to the Mortal Kombat set, Matt finally letting his Sarah frustration out and a goblin party.

Come for the concept but stay for the Goblin King, let’s dance for Popcorn Chicken Salad.
