Place to Be Podcast Episode 553: WWF House Show – Madison Square Garden 12/28/90

In this episode of the Place to Be Podcast, Justin, Scott and Steve Bennett are back to wrap up the first year of the 90s by digging into the 12/28/90 Madison Square Garden house show!

The crew discuss the always wonderful Herb Kunze Tidbits of the Week, Andre the Giant in the Royal Rumble, the Charles Austin lawsuit, Mr. Perfect regaining the IC Title, a terrible Snuka/Warlord match, a shaky showing for Saba Simba, the end of the road for the Honky Tonk Man, red hot Hulk Hogan, could Earthquake have main evented WrestleMania VII, the ascension of Sgt. Slaghter and more, including end of show awards!

So fire up this action-packed episode and join Scott, Justin & Steve as it’s time for another edition of the PTB Podcast!