Place to Be Podcast Episode 450: WWF House Show – Madison Square Garden 3/16/86

In this episode of the Place to Be Podcast, the luck of the Irish is with Justin, Scott and Pete Schirmacher as they they take a look back at the 3/16/86 Madison Square Garden house show!

The boys discuss a busy day and night in the WWF, the continuing expansion of the company, another Sivi Afi mess, the lethargic George Wells, the legendary Bull & Dump, some brutal Gorilla Monsoon commentary, a hot veteran brawl between Pedro Morales and Bob Orton, a solid win for Magnificent Muraco, the MSG debut of the Crush Girls, King Kong Bundy’s final WrestleMania tuneup, Mr. Fuji’s return to the MSG ring, the arrival of Jake Roberts, Lanny Poffo’s tough night, a thriller between Tito Santana and Randy Savage, a classic Haiti Kid interview, the continuation of the British Bulldogs’ feud with the Dream Team and more, including end of show awards!

So fire up this action-packed episode and join Scott, Justin & Pete as it’s time for another edition of the PTB Podcast!

Check out more from the Place to Be Podcast right here at Place to Be Nation including interviews with Kevin Kelly, Steve CorinoJ.J. DillonScott KeithChristopher Robin ZimmermanChristopher DanielsGary Michael CappettaScott Hudson, Bruno LauerStevie RichardsEddie Edwards and many, many more.

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