This episode is dedicated to the memory of our good friend Calvin Crowell. Rest in Peace Calvin, you’ll be sorely missed.
On episode 19 of NWA Crock & Roll, the boys are joined by Ben Locke for a part 1 of 2 series called “Houston Layover” looking at matches with Crockett stars in the Houston Territory. Topics and matches include bad Paul Boesch commentary, why is there a 2/3 falls Atlas/Koloff match, a never to be seen again hot tag sequence from the Rock and Roll Express, a shocking “I Quit” match with Krusher Darsow vs The Missing Link, Dick Slater challenging for the AWA title causing divide, a solid TA/Reed battle, a Tully Blanchard carry job and close out with a highly anticipated Wahoo/Race 2/3 falls match for the NWA title that may or may not breaks Calum, as Shawn continues his mission to find Wahoo matches that he will enjoy.
All matches can be found in the NWA Crock ‘n’ Roll: Houston Layover playlist on our YouTube page –