JT’s Extreme Evolution: Reliving ECW – Hardcore TV 4/27/93

ECW Hardcore TV #4
Run Time: 43:30

Tony Stetson & Larry Winters vs. Super Destroyers – ECW Tag Team Title Match (*1/4)
Suicide Blondes vs. J.T. Smith & Tommy Cairo (**)
Don Muraco & Jimmy Snuka vs. Hell Riders (1/2*)
Sandman vs. Rockin’ Rebel – ECW Heavyweight Title (*1/2)

Best Segment

We had a couple of good matches tonight but I really enjoyed Eddie Gilbert strutting out and calling off Osbourne vs. Bellomo so he could introduce Don Muraco to his stable. Muraco and Snuka had a good promo later and then a fun squash too.

Best Performance

I will go with the Suicide Blondes as I thought they looked really good in their promo and match. It is a good use of Hotbody and a strong way to introduce Candido.

Biggest Surprise

That Superfly Snuka and Don Muraco would ever be friends and teammates in the same stable.

I Love the 90s

Hunter Q. Robbins has a tremendous leather jacket on, a jacket that was likely never sold again after 1993. He also offered $500 to Winters & Stetson if they could defeat the Super Destroyers. That feels like a very early 90s amount of money. Also, Winters and Rebel’s mullets always get a nod here.

Additional Observations

Jay Sulli looks so uncomfortable in that tux; We kick off with our now regular tradition of Eddie Gilbert coming out and talking shit to Terry Funk; I can’t stop being offended by the hair of Larry Winters; I love Sulli never giving any fucks over which Super D was in the ring; The Madman from the Bad Lands; The audio on this episode is rough to hear thanks to the way everything was miked up; Chris Candido’s introduction was well done and he is a good fit with Johnny Hotbody, forming the Suicide Blondes; Wonderful calls J.T. Smith the “soul brother of the team”;  Smith has a real nice moounsault; Muraco has gotten fat but is moving around well here; HD Ryder is a mess out there; I love that Stevie always calls out and corrects any slip up by Sulli; Stevie sets the trend of saying “meow” and making other cat noises during a catfight; Sandman and Rebel had a solid little match but it ended too quickly and could have used a better ending

Enjoyment Power Rankings
1. Eddie Gilbert
2. Jimmy Snuka
3. Terry Funk
4. Stevie Wonderful
5. Suicide Blondes
6. Sandman
7. J.T. Smith
8. Hunter Q. Robbins
9. Don Muraco

10. Rockin’ Rebel

Top 10 Matches
1. J.T. Smith vs. Eddie Gilbert – 4/13/93 (**)
2. Suicide Blondes vs. J.T. Smith & Tommy Cairo – 4/27/93 (**)
3. Sandman vs. Rockin’ Rebel – 4/27/93 (*1/2)
4. Glen Osbourne vs. Johnny Hotbody – 4/13/93 (*1/4)
5. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters vs. Super Destroyers – 4/27/93 (*1/4)
6. Larry Winters & Tony Stetson vs. Chris Michaels & Samoan Warrior – 4/13/93 (*)
7. Glen Osbourne vs. Jimmy Snuka – 4/20/93 (*)
8. Sandman vs. Kodiak Bear – 4/13/93 (3/4*)
9. Glen Osbourne vs. Eddie Gilbert  – 4/20/93 (3/4*)
10. Super Destroyers vs. Super Ninja & Wolfman – 4/20/93 (1/2*)

All Time Appearance Tracker
Jay Sulli
Stevie Wonderful
Tod Gordon
Eddie Gilbert
Terry Funk
Hunter Q. Robbins III
Super Destroyer #1
Super Destroyer #2
EZ Ryder
HD Ryder
Tommy Cairo
Salvatore Bellomo
Cosmic Commander
Johnny Hotbody
Tony “Hitman” Stetson
Rockin’ Rebel
Jimmy Snuka
Larry Winters
Ernesto Benefico
Glen Osbourne
Chris Michaels
Samoan Warrior
Kodiak Bear
J.T. Smith
Super Ninja
Greg Cody
Don Muraco
Chris Candido

Final Grade: 3.5/10 Paul E. Dangerously Cell Phones

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