Yeah, Thanksgiving maybe over but here at It Was a Thing on TV we’re going to provide you with all the leftovers.
First, Rankin-Bass’ first holiday cartoon was this highly fictitious take on the traditional and now-highly outdated take on the first Thanksgiving, involving a mouse who saves everything with a printing press?!
Next, It’s a tradition unlike any other here at It Was a Thing on TV. Last year, we looked at the 1983 Thanksgiving Day parade. This year, we jump to 1984, a time with Avril the Eccentric, creepy Cabbage Patch Kids, and a Fraggle with permanent sex face.
Finally, yes of course we’re gonna talk about the 30th Anniversary of a WWE Icon …… The Gobbledy Gooker! Listen as The Gobbledy Gooker and Mean Gene Okerlund try to excite a bored crowd in Hartford by dancing to Turkey in the Straw.
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