It Was a Thing on TV: Episodes 447 & 448 – Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000/Hail to the Chief

This week on It Was a Thing on TV

First, by the time you hear this, Chico will have celebrated his birthday.  As is tradition around here, Chico gets to pick a special birthday topic.  He selected this movie which could only be acquired at your local Chuck E. Cheese’s redemption center in 1999.  And it’s for the best you could only get it there.

Then, in 1984, history was made after Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to be on a major party Presidential ticket.  Possibly piggybacking on this historic occasion, the people behind Soap developed a show about a female President trying to balance her work life with running the most powerful country in the world.  After a short run, this entry didn’t get a second term, and its replacement became one of the iconic sitcoms of the 1980s.

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0:36 – Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000

43:03 – This Week in Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour History (1/23/84-1/27/84)

52:54 – Hail to the Chief