Daily Discussion Thread – 9/1/17

Hey yo, it’s September and we’re cruising into Labor Day weekend with some great Friday content. Check out Greeny’s piece on what a Survivor Series 1986 could have looked like, plus our POP! crew has put together a performance piece on Watchmen. Plus – there’s a brand new Main Event and Lucha Afterground to take you into the weekend. Enjoy!

57 thoughts on “Daily Discussion Thread – 9/1/17

  1. Logical followup to Greeny’s piece:

    I’m unfamiliar with the exact dates, but Andre following up ripping the crucifix off Hogan by winning the (fictional) 1987 Royal Rumble in his first official match back would have been fairly awesome.

      1. I think Andre wrecking a Royal Rumble would actually add to that battle royal’s perceived importance, especially if the Rumble is a brand new concept and Hogan was defending the title instead of being in it.

        1. That’s where I lean too. Hogan defending against Orndorff for the last time could have worked. Maybe a no holds barred match? Or have an impartial ref… someone like Bruno?

          1. Or maybe… Roddy?

            Because there was no way Roddy was willingly losing, even in a Rumble match at that point.

          2. Interesting. Can play it up with the history between Roddy and Orndorff and could Hogan trust Piper.

          1. Only other elephant in the room is Andre.

            Is he the last man out of the Rumble 86 or does he have a separate match?

          2. Could have Studd and Bundy double team to toss Andre. Then someone like Hillbilly Jim toss Studd later on.

    1. I’m a huge Angle mark but him as generally generic GM with an illegitimate son ain’t doing it for me. I’d definitely have to say Goldberg, as his short run with Brock was really fun and the Survivor Series match was definitely my biggest markout moment in a LONG time.

  2. Where are all of my fellow Aaron Sorkin fans?

    I’m shooting for around September 15 to begin a twice-monthly rewatch of the entire Sorkin TV catalog beginning with Sports Night. We already did West Wing last year, which you can revisit starting here: http://placetobenation.com/ptbns-west-wing-rewatch-season-one/

    The format going forward will be the same, only now with comments enabled! I’m hoping we can get some good discussion going as longtime fans relive an old classic and new fans hopefully get hooked in. So you’ve got two weeks to begin binging Sports Night on Hulu!

          1. His NXT matches, charisma and presence plus a few really great moments. Not enough in ring overall though to justify it. Plus a lackluster main roster run to date.

          2. Yeah even including the NXT run you’re talking 1.5 years . Didn’t even blink about him during my first cut. No way

          3. Now I could see expanded discussion if he got the belt at SummerSlam and had a WHC reign going into voting.

          4. I was pretty optimistic about that a couple months ago. Go to SD, have a blowaway match with Cena, win the belt at SS — instead, the Cena match was merely very good and…welp!

          5. He seemed to be on that AJ route, and maybe still – just have to wait another month for this Jinder thing to end.

  3. Nice piece on Survivor Series 1986. It definitely would have worked. I always hear about how great Orndorff-Hogan was but it doesn’t really register with me because I always associate big feuds ending on big PPVs.

  4. Flashback Friday is focused on the IC belt today… didn’t see what aired earlier but now is the May 93 Raw with Shawn/Marty, then the 10/92 SNME and then IYH: DX. After SS17 is Beyond the Ring: Bret Hart Collection.

  5. Still got a few shows to watch in my last block but this is what is on tap..
    Nitro 10/5/98
    RAW 10/5/98
    RAW 3/10/03
    Smackdown 3/13/03
    RAW 8/13/01
    Smackdown 8/16/01
    SummerSlam 2001
    RAW 8/20/01
    Smackdown 8/23/01
    RAW 8/3/09
    ECW 8/4/09
    Smackdown 3/8/13
    ECW 6/27/06
    AWA Super Sunday
    One Night Stand 2008

  6. Big ROH sale this weekend if you’re into back-collecting their shows. 50% off for members, 35% otherwise – lot of 2016 shows at $7.99-$12.99 before the discount that are REALLY good (like their UK tour).

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