Daily Discussion Thread – 7/31/17 + RAW Discussion

Join us for all-day discussion plus commentary for RAW tonight. Some audio highlights from our feeds:

89 thoughts on “Daily Discussion Thread – 7/31/17 + RAW Discussion

    1. Ah another of my fantasy closers ($1), who will most likely be paid to close elsewhere next year, but now have little value for the rest of ’17

  1. Viewing for July 30th:

    5/27/17 Chikara – MISSILE. ASSAULT. MAN. vs. Oleg the Usurper

    Chikara works the best when it combines the in-ring components (MAM working on points for championship, Oleg’s evolving relationship with Kobald) with its massive overarching angles. In this case, The Whisper comes out to meet with MAM after the match, and those reading the message boards know that they have a past with Titor Conglomerate. Surprisingly hard-hitting match.

      1. I’m assuming it will be the JKI.

        Bad Wolf overall was the best show, terrible management of the crowd notwithstanding. I also enjoyed “Blink,” the show that Glenn attended. It had a lot of quirky goings on that made it stand apart.

      2. I’m biased toward The Empty Child since I was there. Otherwise, it might still be National Pro Wrestling Day, but I’ll be catching up on the JKI sometime this week and that has a ton of potential.

        1. That’s the one I’m working through. They should continue bringing in one or two old regulars for these shows to fill them out.

          I liked Ashley Vox’s fire at this show.

  2. I just watched the Kojima/Okada match from 7/27 – went ***3/4, it’s quite fun with Okada in full heel mode against the old NJ guys.

    It didn’t grip me as much as I wanted, perhaps due to either knowing the result going in, although i also thought some of the late match layout could have been even more dramatic (like the super cutter wasn’t a believable fall for me where it was placed. i am a dork).

    1. I already know I’m going to dislike Elgin/Omega so i’m frantically avoiding it and finding anything to do – even real work!

      (note – dislike still means probably like 3.5 stars , but none of this MOTY 5 star nonsense. And I like Kenny, but i hate excess Kenny matches (not all are))

  3. Just getting caught up but I’m looking forward to Ambrose and rollins vs cesaro and Sheamus at summerslam not sure what the rest of the tag division is going to do maybe a number 1 contenders multi team match.

    1. I wish we weren’t past Father’s Day
      they could have done a video like they did with Titus O’Neil last year and have Kurt playing with Jason talking about how it takes a real man to be a father.

      1. I think it’s shaping up to be a very solid show and I’m excited for it but I feel like it doesn’t have a lot of buzz maybe I’m wrong and we still have 3 weeks of build.

        1. I think Reigns is going to win it at some point so he can fight Cena at Mania, so maybe Reigns beats him at Survivor Series?

          I wonder if Brock negotiated an early release and that is why they are burning off his dates.

          1. I thought Brock was just going to do another one off fight like last year against Hunt and then come back to wwe for mania. I’m prob wrong like you said they could be getting all his dates in so he can leave after summerslam

          2. Brock vs reigns again they can both say they are the only guys to defeat taker at mania roman can talk about the fact that taker came back after losing to Brock after reigns beat him taker is never coming back.

          3. Yeah don’t want another Cena vs taker where they never end up doing it at mania

  4. In this episode of the Place to Be Podcast, Justin, Scott and Kelly Nelson are wading through the dog days of summer as they take a look back at the 8/25/86 Madison Square Garden house show!

    The boys discuss the debut of Nick Kiniski, a fun tilt between Jake Roberts and Sivi Afi, the arrival of Slick, Paul Orndorff’s amazing heat, the first MSG appearance of the Machines, the final appearance of Tony Atlas, another win for Sheik and Volkoff, a fun sprint between Pedro Morales and Randy Savage, a Bulldogs Tag Title defense and more, including end of show awards!

    So fire up this action-packed episode and join Scott, Justin & Kelly as it’s time for another edition of the PTB Podcast!


  5. Pretty good RAW tonight. Interesting they dropped the hint of Brock possibly leaving if he loses at Summerslam. Makes me wonder if that’s it for him instead of next year if he doesn’t stick around. Either way im pretty excited for the 4 way in a couple of weeks.

  6. The first two hours of RAW were okay but that third hour was rough. And Jason Jordan doesn’t have the chops to pull off this role. The crowd doesn’t care.

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