Between the Sheets #59: August 31-September 6, 1988


Kris & David are joined by Jordan Breen (Sherdog) to discuss the week that was August 31-September 6, 1988. We discuss the potential sale of the NWA and why Dusty Rhodes was such a douchebag on TV at the time, we also talk about Antonio Inoki being a total opportunist, Maritimes Memories from Jordan, Memphis vs. Continental on FNN, World Class management issues, and the impending birth of Akeem the African Dream. Part of the show didn’t record and it’s talked about during the show but other than that this is a really great show!!!

0:00:00 Jim Crockett Promotions
1:31:05 Japan: AJPW & NJPW
2:03:20 The Amazon Game & in-house notes
2:52:35 Other North America: Canada, EMLL, UWA, & WWC
3:11:17 USA East: CWA, CWF, & SCW
3:48:27 USA West: WCCW & AWA
4:07:37 WWF

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