Battlestar In The 25th Century #7

On episode 7 of Battlestar in the 25th Century, Shawn and Scott live watch Buck Rogers episode 3 “Planet of the Slave Girls Part 1.” They discuss Wilma enjoying putting…

Blockbuster Rewind – Major League Series (#11)

On the eleventh episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Scott Shifflett, Eric Eells & Andy Atherton are joined by their guest Matt Souza to discuss the Major League film series. They…

Battlestar In The 25th Century #6

On episode 6 of Battlestar in the 25th Century, Shawn and Scott live watch Battlestar Galactica episode 5, “Lost Planet of the Gods Part 2.” After a brief recap of…

Battlestar In The 25th Century #5

On episode 5 of Battlestar in the 25th Century, Shawn and Scott watch Battlestar Galactica episode #4, “Lost Planet of the Gods part 1”. They discuss Space Bromances, Space Covid,…

Battlestar In The 25th Century #4

On episode 4 of Battlestar in the 25th Century, Shawn and Scott live watch Buck Rogers episode 2, “Awakening Part 2.” They discuss a cool space battle opening, Buck schooling…

Blockbuster Rewind – Robocop Franchise (#9)

On the ninth episode of Blockbuster Rewind, co-hosts Eric Eells, Andy Atherton & Scott Shifflett are joined by guests Bronx Johnny & Tim Capel to discuss the Robocop franchise. They…

Battlestar In The 25th Century #2

On episode 2 of Battlestar in the 25th Century, Shawn and Scott live watch Saga of a Star World Part 2 & 3, the final two parts of the Battlestar…